Cyber Surgery Collaborates with Ceit for AS2TO Project

With the objective of developing an automatic, safe and intelligent drilling tool for screwdriving in transpedicular vertebral fixation operations, we’re collaborating with Ceit in the project AS2TO.

Ceit is a tech non-profit created by the University of Navarra in 1982, whose main duty is to carry out industrial research projects alongside company’s research and development departments. In this instance, Cyber Surgery is teaming up with Ceit in a project specifically dedicated to the development of Automatic Safe and Smart bone machining for Transpedicular Operations. This project is part of Hazitek, a program subsidized by the Basque Government with the objective of supporting Basque companies to carry out industrial research and experimental development.

What is Automatic Safe and Smart Bone Machining for Transpedicular Operations?

It’s a project that allows us to continue in our pursuit of introducing new means, methods and solutions to assist surgeons in minimizing human errors and reducing the number of complications that can occur in the context of spinal surgery. One of our main objectives with this project is advancing the development of a semi-autonomous robot that acts in a minimally invasive way, and with greater precision than any human, preventing critical errors.

This collaboration will allow us to continue improving and advancing forward in our goal of guiding doctors in these types of procedures, applying the latest technology to maximize precision and improve spinal surgeries with robotic surgery.

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